Talk:Rules of basketball/to do
- someone with right perms plz fix typo in rule 13: "by continued" -> "be continued". The original historical document also has "be" there, btw.*
Rewrite timeline as paragraphs(yay!)- Summarise and categorise current rules
- Check for amount of overlap with main article Basketball (There will inevitably be some overlap)
- Write procedure for rule changes(?)
- Uniforms and their standardisation (eg numbering must be 4-15 in some comps etc.)?
- Possibly will need to make decision as to whether to have a "US" page and an "International" page which will clarify the different rule sets?
- Need to check (& resolve) the overlap between the categories of: Basketball rules and Basketball terminology
- Information on the distance of the free-throw line from the center of the basket should be added in the section "Scoring and court markings". Or a link to should be added. This info is often searched for, e.g., when setting up a court for kids.
- Edit rules to assume that reader is a layperson that knows nothing of the rules.
- Re-order article to begin with contemporary rules and then give historical rules.
- Explain the minimum distance required for a 3 pt shot.
- Explain the difference in the basketball size for men and women
- Add explanation of closely guarded (5 second) count as well as old rule about 5 sec. and hash marks
- Include diagram of referee signals ?
Anything else, please add to the list.